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live mushrooms

Psilocybin Mushrooms

dried psychedelic mushrooms

Psilocybin mushrooms known as magic mushrooms or shrooms are a psychedelic fungus that cause visual distortions and altered thinking and perception very similarly to LSD. Psychedelic mushrooms are a long lasting hallucinogenic drug that is grown, dried, then consumed by eating them straight or putting the mushrooms into tea, chocolate, or capsule pills. Shrooms are believed to be non-addictive in the same way as LSD and DMT.

Shrooms are believed to be non-addictive in the same way as LSD and DMT.
There are two types of “addiction” which are psychological dependence and physical dependence. Magic mushrooms are a drug that CAN cause psychological dependence and CANNOT CAUSE physical dependence.
Psychological addiction       

  • Psychological addiction happens when someone really enjoys the feeling of a drug. The enjoyable feelings causes them to continue using the drug to recreate the same feeling. Someone who enjoys tripping on mushrooms may continue to take mushrooms because they enjoy those feelings. ​


  • Repetitive use of mushrooms can be considered psychological addiction if the drug use becomes excessive and negatively effects the person's health, work, school, or social life. Psychological addiction is also common in those suffering with depression, anxiety, and many other mental or emotional issues. Using a drug over and over to escape reality or run away from life issues can be considered psychological dependence.

Physical addiction

  • physical dependence Is when a drug is taken so often that the body sees the drug’s presence in the body as normal. The body believes the drug is needed all the time so you function normally. Once the drug use is stopped the body reacts as if something critical is missing.


  • The negative withdrawal symptoms are the body's response to the drug missing. Intense cravings, physical symptoms such as anxiety, sweating, restlessness, and other feelings similar to the flu are common. Someone who takes magic mushrooms very frequently will need to keep increasing the dose for the trip to be as strong as the first few times. When heavy mushroom use is stopped there may be some desire or low level cravings to use the drug again but mushrooms are not able to cause physical withdrawal like feelings of being sick including sweating, anxiety, restlessness, etc. 


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